TeleHealth Counseling Clinic
- Available to residents of Washington County
- Located in the Faith Mission Health and Service Center of Washington County
- Provided by Texas A&M Rural Health and Faith Mission & Help Center of Brenham
The TeleHealth Counseling Clinic (TCC) offers an invaluable resource by leveraging top-notch videoconferencing technology to provide free mental health counseling and assessments. This service ensures that individuals and families who may not have access to such support can now benefit from these essential services.
Clients can visit the Washington County Health Service Center, where they receive counseling services from faculty and doctoral students in the Department of Educational Psychology’s counseling psychology program, accredited by the American Psychological Association. The dedicated professionals at TCC are committed to delivering high-quality care and support.
To learn more about the TeleHealth Services available in Washington County, TX, please reach out to Dalia Vela at 979-251-9882. She will provide you with further information and guidance on how to access these important services.