What is the SMART Program?
The SMART program provides a six-week academic enrichment course designed to teach moral principles, increase reading skills, and introduce children to hands-on, educational field trip experiences throughout the region.
Participants are primarily children ages 5-12, classified as “homeless” by the Brenham Independent School District. Homelessness classification includes children living in hotels, at Faith Mission, and in multi-family situations.
The SMART program is located at 100 South Chappell Hill St., Brenham, Texas 77833.
What do children learn during the SMART Program?
The children learn how to do basic household chores like setting the table and cleaning up after themselves. They also learn table etiquette and manners.
In addition, many of these children will interact with community leaders who will encourage participants to stay in school, become people of excellent character, and give back to their communities.
Your contributions and support of this program are important because, for these 25 children, we are providing basic life-skills training and experiences that they may be missing from their home life.
Why is the SMART Program important and why should I help support it?
The SMART program is important because we believe that education and an introduction to Biblical based morality is the only solution to stop the cycle of poverty.
These children do not have stable home lives, are often in and out of school settings, and are often victims of neglect. Faith Mission’s SMART Program provides a steady, safe, and homelike setting for these children two days per week.
Who is responsible for the SMART Program?
Faith Mission is responsible for providing Bible study, facilitators, teachers, mentoring and curriculum as well as two meals per program day and entrance fees to field trip sites. Other support is provided by BISD, Prairie View A&M, and Brenham Maifest Association.
How can I help?
Speak or teach
Faith Mission can utilize business men or women who may be interested in speaking to the children for approximately 20 minutes, explaining your industry and inspiring children by speaking about what they can do when they grow up.
It will also be necessary to incorporate the value of the week and explain why these values are important in the workplace.
Faith Mission can utilize clergy or youth ministers who would like to teach a Bible story by “bringing it to life.” Bible stories should coincide with the character principle of the week.
Faith Mission can benefit from private donations to cover the cost of the SMART program. Contributions will go to cover the childrens’ meals and field trip fees. All other staff and supplies are covered by volunteers and donations.
The cost per child is $100. Donations are appreciated in any amount!