Basic Needs
For those seeking assistance meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, utility or rent assistance, it is first necessary to appear in person at the Faith Mission Service Center located at 500 E. Academy St. in Brenham, TX. Please be prepared by bringing as much personal identification and information about your circumstance as possible. Potential clients may be asked to show their social security card and driver’s license, as well as provide written documentation regarding any need for which they are requesting assistance. (Utility bills, eviction notices, unemployment verification, etc.)

Food Pantry
Faith Mission facilitates the local food pantry located on the main campus at 500 E. Academy St. in Brenham and serves 40-110 local families per week.
Food vouchers are available on a per-case basis, and will be issued to those who have met the requirements as outlined by the Faith Mission Service handbook.

The Cannery Kitchen
The Cannery Kitchen is open to the public and mission residents.
We serve hot buffet-style meals to clients receiving Cannery vouchers as outlined by the Faith Mission Service handbook.

Clothing vouchers are available to those who qualify, and may be redeemed at Higgins Resale Stores.
Higgins Branch clothing vouches are provided to qualifying clients.

Clients requesting shelter must first meet with a case manager at the main service center at 500 E. Academy St. in Brenham. Shelter needs are met on a per-case basis upon completion of a background check.
We strive to assist in the provision of shelter for individuals and families in need, however, Faith Mission takes the safety of residents and associates very seriously. Shelter will only be issued after proper screening and safety protocols have been met.

Utility and Rent Assistance
Utility and rent assistance are considered on a per-case basis. Applicants should be prepared to show identification and documentation of the utility or rent need in question.